
April 13, 2015

Dear Ms. Doherty:

Thank you for contacting me regarding the military’s use of live animals in training exercises and H.R. 1095, the Battlefield Excellence through Superior Training (BEST) Practices Act. I am pleased to report that I am a cosponsor of this bill.

As a member of the Animal Protection Caucus, I share your concern about the use of live animals in U.S. Army training for military medical personnel. I am pleased that the National Defense Authorization Act of 2013 required a detailed plan to transition away from this practice. Research shows that medical simulators mimicking human anatomy and physiology teach lifesaving battle skills as well as or better than live animals. It is time we move away from training that results in the harm or death of animals.

The BEST Practices Act would require the Department of Defense (DoD) to modernize its medical training programs and end its use of live animals. Specifically, it phases in the use of human-based trauma training, immediately bans the use of animals in chemical and biological casualty training, and provides the necessary funding for the procurement of modern training methods such as medical simulators and immersive simulated combat environments. As a cosponsor of the bill, I will continue working for its enactment in the 114th Congress.

Again, thank you for contacting me. Your comments help me better represent you and the Eighth Congressional district. I hope you will continue to stay in touch by visiting my congressional website, signing up for my newsletter, liking me on Facebook, and following me on Twitter to learn more about what I am working on.



Donald S. Beyer, Jr.
Member of Congress

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